+359 888 425 784

Titicaca Lodge, Peru


South America
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Titicaca Lodge, Peru

Titicaca Lodge Peru is a magical floating hotel in the middle of the second largest lake in South America. The hotel is owned and operated by a local couple, who warmly welcome guests and show them the beauties of the surrounding area.
Make yourself at home in one of the 2 traditionally decorated guestrooms with a king bed, kitchen and a beautiful terrace right over the lake. Enjoy a local breakfast and delicious lunch and dinner at the lodge with the magnificent Andes Mountains as a backdrop to this unforgettable experience.
Enjoy a complimentary Boat Ride Around the Uros Floating Islands and soak in the beautiful sunsets over the lake from the comfort of your own bed. Titicaca Lodge Peru is certainly a must-visit place for all adventure travellers.